Using slider to forward and backward a song

Dear @Rudiji,
happy having helped you.
Cheers :+1:

This can be done without any problem using the built-in slider component without extension.

We probably don't need to use an extension to replace one variable.

@TIMAI2 hi !. how can i make slider moving with the audio and time spans on rigth the total duration and on left the current time.

Search the community, there are plenty of examples...

@TIMAI2 I can't find it please can you help me. Or is there any extension for that.

This one ?

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Here I give a video example of how to rewind and advance the song with the TaifunPlayer extension and you can download the AIA to see how it works


First you need to download and use TaifunPlayer extension for your app could use slider to move up or move down the current playing song. Also you can display the duration of song and display the current position of song.
To display the changes of the current position of song you need to use clock and slider component.
As reference you could see the code blocks of my app - My MP3 Player to know how to implement TaifunPlayer extension, clock and slider component to display duration of song and current position of song.
Click this link to download the aia file of My MP3 Player:
My_Mp3_Player_v3_2.aia (974.0 KB)


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We should also refer here to the development history of this app: My MP3 Player (MP3 Player), which @TimAI2 already pointed out (in post #12).

I made a small correction to your app regarding the slider. If the music is paused and the slider position is changed, the player starts immediately. This should not be the case and can be adjusted as follows:

Another thing that is usually expected from a music player is that when you fast forward or rewind, the sound remains audible even during this fast forward/rewind. This is useful, among other things, if you want to find a specific point in a music track. This should not be possible with the on-board Slider component. I used @Ken's SliderTools (four years ago) for this:

Thanks Anke.
I will try your that 2 suggestions to improve my app.


hi!!! @Anke can i get a link for Tformet extension i can't find it. i searched for atleast 1 hour to find the Tformet extension

I think you need TFormat not TFormet

yehh that was a mistake

but now can i have link


Slider - Customizable Simple Slider - #11 by nitya_dobariyaSlider - Customizable Simple Slider - #12 by AnkeSlider - Customizable Simple Slider - #13 by Joejsanz

Hi Anke,

I already changed my app to use SliderPlayer.PositionChanged code block as your suggested code block.
But I am still don't know how to use Kevin slidertool in my app.
What I need to add or change on my app block code to use Kevin slidertool?
Please help to guide.

how create this block help me