What is libraries and how how we use that in Extension
Read the info about it here.
Did you also search the community? There are many examples.
You can use it the following way.
@UsesLibraries(libraries = "gson-2.1.jar")
You mention the files which will be used in the extension using the UsesLibraries annotation. You can mention multiple of them separated by a comma.
@UsesLibraries(libraries = "gson-2.1.jar, beanshell.jar")
Put your jar file in the appinventor/lib
directory. It's the folder that has all the jar files that are used in app inventor.
If you are using AppInventor sources, you will need to add a line in the build.xml
file where it is commented that "Add extension libraries here", example:
<copy toFile="${public.deps.dir}/beanshell.jar" file="${lib.dir}/beanshell.jar" />
Sinply just tell me why we use this and where we create .jar file
I guess it could have been written in a better way too
We use them because they make our work easy + let us use things not present by default
Jar is created using maven
What are the things in jar can anyone show me an jar
I have told you and explained it. Why dont you search google?
Jar is kinda like bundle of compiled java files, Compiled java files are called class files
Which language we use in jar Is Java
Is this a question or answer ?
I only ask Is we use java in jar
I guess you didn't see this
Can you show me an example how we write java in jar
Oof, Its java code only, even extensions we make and compiled are in jar form, where classes are present
Ok now I understand jar is a java project that's can't show in extension but it will be added
Also what is aar
Aar is a file containing jar and xml files + assets (if any)
I had heard that we do not add aar in extension
For now, yes but, after next release, we will be able to use them along with .so (native libraries)
When the next update release
Soon is what I can say .........