Why is the full screen size is smaller in app than the physical screen?

I have a problem with full screen size. When i put on a layout or canvas and set the size to the screen size it is smaller than the real screen? 20-30 pixel smaller each side. Why is that?
Of courese it is not a problem if someone make a one layout screen, but i made a screen from layouts and canvases, and i want to see it on fitted to full screen, not 20-30 pixel less each side.
And on a 5" phone it is less noticable than a 7+ size tab.
Is there a solution or an extension that can use the full size of the screen?

Can you provide an example aia project that demonstrates your problem?

Screensize.aia (1.1 KB)
Here is the aia.
I set the screen color to green, and the sized layout color to blue.
I set the size to my device: Lenovo tab M7, 600x1024.
You have to set the size to your own phone size (considering CSS pixal rate) to see if works or not.
I know there is the CSS pixel rate that android use, but i think it is 1 for my device. I didnt find it anywhere but any other 600x1024 phone i found use the CSS rate 1. If my device is not CSS rate 1 then the problem is there, but then it would be a wierd rate.

I set the horizontal arrangement to the screen1 height and width

I figured it out now. This device has 1204x705 pixel screen According to AI2 screen size block. But if i make a screen with specified pictures to this size, how will it be responsive, because as my recent experiences shows, no way. At least at the current state of the AI2.
To undestand what i want.

So how can i make this responsive? Because as i see responsive only works with fill parent, but if i have fixed sizes it doesnt fit or shrink anything.
Any extension that can handle this?

Maybe This can help you
or this

I showed you the two blocks you can use.
Best to also use a timer when fetching them and setting the height and width of components.

What is wrong with using fill parent of percentage height/width blocks?

Thank you, i already figured it out how to find my screen size.
My problem is now if i design something to this size by pixel like on the photo i attached before, then i cant make it responsive.

Look the picture. The screen is not one layout.
And mostly the problem is the blocks has different wides.
No problem with the height, i can set it to percentage or fill parent. But the width. If i set all to fill parent then it will maybe responsive but shrink every blocks to the same width, no matter what picture i use for bckgndimage. If i set to automatic, then it uses the picture width but wont be responsive.

Post a (test) aia to check / reproduce this.

Hi Anke!
Here is the aia. Reptest.aia (260.6 KB)
This is looks like this on Lenovo tab M7:

I can resize the bloks in a picture editor to fill the green area but still not responsive. even i can set the height of the blocks and the arrangements to fill patent then it fills the heights but i cannot do anything to the width. Strange thing is if i set all the 4 horizontal arrangements heights to 25% even then not completely fill the height of the green area.

By the way. Dont care with the blocks area. It is full of junks from tests. I only put it together in the designer area.

As I suggested, something like this:

You may need to add a pixel or two to either the height or the width of the outer VA to be exact

This can never work, because you set backround images to each Canvas, e.g.:

and set the Wdth to Automatic.
You have to redesign it completely. Or maybe you can try / use a VerticalScrollArr.

you set backround images to each Canvas

Yes. As i said, everything has different width. And if set it to fill parent then it will distribute the widths to equal not by the pictures ratio.
By redesign you mean i have to design it in percentages? That scks. How can a mosaic composition be designed in percentages?
Anyway, thank you. I will try the scrollarrangement.

I would provide your control button array by creating an image of the Buttons you require as a single png image consisting in ALL the buttons. Each 'button' has a slightly different background color (see advice below). In your case, it would be subtle shades of charcoal gray perhaps. Place the image in a Canvas. Construct your 'button array' as described in this example Button placement(How to use Canvas screen colors to create a Q&A Quiz . You select a 'button' by using the Canvas.GetBackgroundPixelColor Block.

I think this method will work with a Responsive screen. You could try it. (your global dimmer might create an issue...provide it separately?)

I thought about sprites but didnt tested yet. Thank you Steve, i will test it if work in responsive.

Hi Zol,

What I recommended does not use ImageSprites. You might be able to do what you want using them but I think you will still run into issues using them with a Responsive screen. The recommendation is to use a single png as a Canvas background and create color controlled 'hot spots'. Try the sprites anyway. :slight_smile: Either the hot spots or sprites probably will solve your issue. Good luck.

Try this (→ HorScrollArr): Reptest2.aia (260.6 KB)

Yes sprites doesnt work either.
I see your point. Though i cant see how the hotspots will arrrange to different screensizes but i will look into your example more deeply. Thank you.

The hotspots don't arrange to diffferent screensizes but the image you place into the Canvas background should. You create the hot spots on a large image.

where each of the buttons will be a separate hotspot . You won't be able to place a slider in you global dimmer but it can link to a Slider in an arrangement.