Advanced simple multi-screen showcase

This is a very simple showcase / maybe can be used as an app's base?, this is very useful when you want to make apps with multiple screens but not by creating the new screen / share codes between different screens.
SimpleMultiScreenShowcase.aia (115.9 KB)
EDIT: SimpleMultiScreenShowcase.aia (117.1 KB)
Slightly better and completed version of it.

Extensions used:


Seems like a very complicated way of doing this:

mvsDemo.aia (2.7 KB)

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Yep, it's kind of complicated than it, because the codes are not optimized yet and I coded some extra codes for animating parts and the universal screen actionbar, I'll upload a more simplified version of it soon.

SimpleMultiScreenShowcase.aia (117.1 KB)
Slightly better and completed version of it.