Animal Canvas - a children’s educational App Inventor 2 game tutorial

Animal Canvas - a children’s educational App Inventor 2 game tutorial


Learn to build a game children can talk and listen to and learn how to recognize words. Animal Canvas is a simple AI2 app using lots of code and ImageSprites. The example app uses the Speech Recognizer, the TTS (TextToSpeech) and a grid on the Canvas, Children explore animal images, sounds, and the names of animals by dragging and dropping sprites on the Canvas. The app is created on a single App Inventor screen.


The attached pdf provides details. :wink:

Animals2.pdf (1.4 MB)

Build the app to test. Why? Sometimes all the sprites fail to load properly on the screen while testing using Companion 2.72 when used with the attached aia file on my Android 13. :cry: Sometimes just reloading clears this up but the only certain way to test the app is to build and load the apk on your device.

Animals.aia (1.6 MB)

I hope someone finds this tutorial useful.
