Export json list on TinyDb

I am developing an app to evaluate wines, I use TinyDb to store the list of evaluated wines.
I want to give the possibility to my app users to export the wine list in json. How can I do it?
I have tried a few times and searched the web but I can't find the right solution for me.
Thanks in advance

This extension could help you


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It gives me a permissions error

You probably need to remove the file:// from the path generated by the file component...

can you explain to me how?

i remove bau not work

You also need to include the shared directory, e.g. Download, in the path

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Here is a Do It Yourself sharing approach, using no extensions.

sharing.aia (1.6 KB)

It leaves it up to the user to choose where they want to drop the JSON output, whether into an open email application, a text editor, or any other app that can accept copy and paste text.


If you want to let users see other users' opinion of wines, you could set up a Google Sheet where users could upload their reviews of wines, one row per wine per user review.

If you are staging reviews in TinyDB before upload, you could add a Sheets RowID to each review (initialy 0) to note if and where the uploaded review landed in the sheet.

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Thanks to all
Maybe the best solution for my APP is sharing but also the others helped me understand

You can always save GetEntries to a file:


(the join block converts the JSON OBJECT to a JSON STRING.)

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