[FREE] YtThumbnail Extension: Get the Thumbnail of any YouTube Video

1. Introduction

  • This extension allows you to get the thumbnail in its original resolution of any youtube video, all you need is its VideoID

2. VideoID

3. Blocks

Add the VideoID in the text block. The block returns a link.

4. Example Usage

The block displays the Thumbnail of the VideoID in the Image component.

Download Link

Note: Making extensions takes effort! You can show your support by making a contribution as low as 1 USD. But still if you don't want to contribute then put 0 in the box, and you can download it for free!

Made with :sparkling_heart: in India by Sarthak Gupta


Isn't it same ?


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Ya but saves some effort for new devs thats why its free

I think there are already 2 3 same extensions too

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Made it just for fun don't know

Upgrade it to get quality of the thumbnail like, sd, mq, hq.

By the way :
This is a Great creation, Please keep it up, you can do more better than this in future also. My best wishes with you. :blush: :tada:

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It gets the link for the thumbnail in its original resolution as of now

Thank you for your contribution
Please follow the naming conventions

VideoID --> videoId
