Number To Letter Convertor For Barcode

So you have influence over how the bar codes are generated?

Are the bar codes allowed to have non numeric codes in them?

That would make splitting them trivial.

Yes, I have full control on the the barcode generation.

the barcode generation process is to replace letter in number format(from alphabets 1-26 series) and replace number between as it is they are.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 143233

Never, barcodes always generated in numerical formats

ItemCode cannot be defined, it is as per manufacturer's choice.
The range can be increase in the future after 999999

Do you have a database / list of all the item codes?

It may be possible to run a routine on the remaining digits after getting the product and size codes, to find a match in that list. If no match, then to test for any collisions by iterating over any possible options.

Why this error came?

You trying to load a kodular project ?

How to fix this?

The project is loaded but no blocks are showing... :pensive:

The two are generally incompatible unless you avoid using any kodular specific components in your kodular project.

I replace all components with extensions, can you please manually fix it my friend in DM?

I do not work with Kodular projects, suggest the best thing you can do, is start again in Appinventor.

it is too much lengthy to start again please help me, I am noob in coding.

How to get all values in list view in a loop ?

Is this what you want to achieve?


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Thanks, It achieved already by my hit and trials. But thank to contribute in this topic

A story about my grandfather, when people driving by in their car would stop and ask for directions:

Driver: "Can you tell me how to get to London from here?"
Grandfather: "Where did you start from?"
Driver: "We set off from Brighton."
Grandfather: "Well I wouldn't have started from there..."

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Sorry, But I have too much of blocks instead of this method.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 160152

Why these blocks are helpful instead of this below(I am just asking the differences)

My blocks return the key and value together, so that you have a reference.

@NishyanthKumar 's answer was quite correct, because you did ask for the values only :wink:

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Is there any way to get all blocks by manual edit process?
I do not wanted to recreate whole app.

So you started using Kodular again. Why do you switch every time?

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No, I am using App Inventor.
But my big project is not getting import in App Inventor, that's why i am in stress to loss of al the blocks and whole project :pensive:

This is my App Inventor Aia File,

Please help me to load it in the Kodular after replacing all components of Kodular to extensions.
KinnkoMultiFun.aia (306.8 KB)