[PAID] Push Notification Blank App (Client+Developer AIA's)

Push Notification Blank App (Client+Developer AIA's)

These AIA's help you to add background notifications or push notifications to your app with minimal effort
You can send notifications to all of your users at once
Buy only for 5$ and send unlimited notifications for free!
Other alternatives using OneSignal cost more than 10$ and are based on subscription plans!

This project uses:

  • Itoo Sky (Open Source)
  • Notification Style (Open Source)
  • CloudDB

to send unlimited push notifications to app users for free!


  • Send unlimited push notifications per day
  • Notifications are delivered to all users within 5 seconds of sending

Push Notifications means that notifications are sent even when app is not running!

User's Side

On client side we use Itoo to create a procedure to check if the Data in the CloudDB is changed, the CloudDB here stores the notifications to be sent to the user temporarily.
If the data is changed then Itoo initiates the sending of push notification through Notification Style Extension!

Dev Side

On dev Side we use MIT App Inventor to create a program to change the Data of the same CloudDB our user's app uses. When the Data is Changed the new notification is sent to the user!

CloudDB, the instance provided by MIT, is really for testing/demo purposes only! You should setup your own redis server if creating an app for production (e.g. available on Google Play Store)

App Demonstration
The notification was sent by an App built using the same AIA's

AIA's & Setup Instructions
It takes hard work to code such a project! If you want to get the AIA files for both the projects along with the instructions for setup.
You can buy them for only 5$ or 420 INR half of the price of other paid extensions such as OneSignal push without the hassle of limited notitfications on plan basis available worldwide with multiple payment options such as Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking and UPI!
Both the AIA's will be instantly available after purchase!
One to create the app (to be uploaded on any appstore) and other to send notifications (For Developer use only)
Make sure to download all the files! Also do enter your Email in the success page!
Purchase Link :point_down:


Thanks @Gian_Luca for your purchase! Hope the bundle helps you to add notifications to your app! For any questions please feel free to ask! I will soon upload a video tutorial!

Any suggestions for the AIA's are welcome!

how to purchase?

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Using this code unlimited notifications can be sent!


Buy here!

Hope it helps you create a marvelous app!
Sarthak Gupta

A video tutorial with detailed instructions will be uploaded soon on youtube!


Buy now for just 5$! And send unlimited notifications to your users :money_mouth_face:

Is this setup battery optimized? Because system might shut down the service for battery optimization like on Xiaomi phones.

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Yes it doesnt consume much battery I have tested it on redmi devices also

Battery consumption is not more than 1 % for daily basis

can you post the youtube link here for how it works?

I am not at home will send you in 2 hrs is it fine

sure, thanks

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Video tutorial for aia's

Is it possible to customize the notification? and use a different database like MySQL?

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Notifications are totally customizable with emojis and text
If you want to use MySQL then you need to replace cloud db with its blocks