Post Hidden by Akismet

I created an AIA in app inventor and posted on the community but akismet hid my post can any staff member please help

What does this mean?
I got a message that akismet has hidden my post from system

Does this mean that I have deleted the post @Anke

It looks like that.

Hmm, a (paid) tutorial & guide (?)

No I posted it first in the false category as i am new to the community :rofl:
No its not a tutorial its a bundle of AIA's completely built to make an app with push notifications

When I realised I posted it in the other category

It would be of great help if you could remove the suspension from my post

@Anke I am talking about the one I posted in the MIT App Inventor help category

Thanks @Anke for reviewing my post!

Seems the Community will only allow us to reject your topic.

Can you please try to post again.

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Thanks @TIMAI2 but now its not hidden :grinning:

The system removed the suspension on it

Not visible on the community...


Is it now visible

@TIMAI2 is it visible?


sixth one is mine


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visible right?